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Time Blocking Method

Inventor Elon Musk is known for being productive. He manages his time so efficiently that he can work over 80 hours a week and still make time for himself. What’s his secret? Time blocking.

Good for Managing Split responsibilities, i.e., work/parenting

How it works

From the moment you wake up, assign each time block in your day to a task. These tasks can be anything from eating breakfast to studying for a test. Below are the steps Elon Musk uses to block his time:

  1. Divide a piece of paper into two columns. On the left, write down each hour of the day and create blocks of time such as half-hour or hour chunks.
  2. Estimate the time it’s going to take to complete each of your tasks and fit them into your time blocks.
  3. Add buffer times in between each time block to allow for adjustments during the day.