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Community Weaver 3 (CW3)

Community Weaver 3 is the current software platform for Timebanks provided by when you start a Timebank.

You’ll want someone in your group who is comfortable being able to configure and administer Community Weaver to manage your Timebank. This guide will provide you with some basics, some warnings and some tips.

NOTICE The following warning is currently displayed at the CW3 wiki

 Due to our email server hardware failure, the site email address is temporarily out of service. 
 Email sent to the CW site's email address will not be sent to coordinators. Please inform your 
 members of this issue and that they will need to send their emails directly to a coordinator's 
 email address. We regret this disturbance to communications with your timebank members and are 
 currently working to resolve this issue.

Managing a CW3 Site

  1. Assigning Coordinators
  2. Configuring CW3
  3. Content of Special Pages


Types of Coordinators

There are five different coordinator roles, each has a special set of tasks: Admin, Member, Member Support, Outreach, and Payments.

TIP You can assign coordinator roles to lots of people, so they share the workload.

TIP You can also assign multiple coordinator roles to a single person

CW3 Wiki Timebank coordinator’s roles and permissions

Admin coordinator is responsible for the site-wide aspects of the Community Weaver site and has access to everything in the timebank, especially all site-wide configurations This coordinator does everything There may be more than one admin

Member coordinator is responsible for supporting and managing Community Weaver memberships. This coordinator handles member profiles and activities

Member Support coordinator is responsible to support members posting offers and requests as well as recording their exchanges This coordinator can give members a hand with exchanges

Outreach coordinator is responsible for publicity and outreach in Community Weaver. They are generating marketing, communications, and web content.

Payments coordinator is responsible for managing payment processing, nothing else.

Configuring Community Weaver

CW3 Wiki Configuring New Timebank


Do your own tests. Ensure your settings are working the way that you expect them to.

  1. CW3 Help Pages
  2. General Settings
  3. Sign Up
  4. Design
  5. Lists
  6. Email
  7. Payments

CW3 Help Pages

CW3 Wiki Coordinator configuration options for your timebank

CW3 Wiki The online Community Weaver manual for coordinators

TRAP The information in the help pages can be confusing. Often there is no information, just a lot of links leading you in circles.


CW3 Wiki TimeBank General Settings


The information you provide here will be used at the top of the page and at the bottom of the page.

Site Name Appears at the top left of the page in bold and same colour as the theme. Also appears at the bottom left with the address and telephone number.

Email Subject Brand This is used to identify email by prefixing the subject with this text in square brackets. It would be a good idea to keep this fairly short.

Slogan This is displayed beneath the logo, which appears on most pages.

Footer Message This can be HTML. You can includes images, text formatting, and CSS. We don’t suggest that you try to include javascript/ECMAscript as it would probably conflict with the CW3 code.

Site Email Address

This email address is used by CW3 to direct communications to coordinators

CRAP At the beginning of 2022 it is broken and has been broken for some time.

Postal Address
WARNING This address is displayed at the bottom of every page and in emails. It will definitely be indexed by search engines.

Phone Number
WARNING This number is displayed at the bottom of every page and in emails. It will definitely be indexed by search engines.



The choices you make here controls the behaviour of CW3.

Signup Page

WARNING If you allow anyone to sign up there is more to do. Go to Configure->Signup and follow the instructions there.

Member Privacy
TIP Always check this box
Con Cannot share user offers/requests with FaceBook

External Links open in new window
Generates a new browser tab for links outside CW3. This setting benefits users who are younger than the internet.

Default Ad Expiration
Choose the period that you think best suits the sort of exchanges for your group. Users can override this easily, but if they don’t need to change it, there is less friction in the offer/request process.

Facebook and Facebook Like Page If you have a Facebook group, use this setting to put social buttons on the page and link to your group

Twitter and Twitter User Name If you have a Twitter account, use this setting to put social buttons on the page and link to your account

Language and Text

Sign Up

CW3 Wiki Signup Settings

Step 1: Sign Up

Allow anyone to sign up?
TIP This is the same as the checkbox in General->Features. (But in this case, its in the right place)

Step 2: Profile

TIP Be frugal with these options. Use the absolute minimum.
TRAP If users do not provide answers to every one of the options you have selected their profile will not be marked as 100% complete.
CRAP CW3 actives recommends that most options should not be used

We have some observations

The Time Zone is pointless in NZ

Neighbourhood : not recommended

TIP Don’t repeat your suburbs in the list of neighbourhoods, it gets really confusing when you do that.

GOTCHA Users enter neighbourhoods that are not in your list.

GOTCHA The implementation is a bit messy. You’ll find places where “neighbourhood” is an option even though you are not using them.

County : not recommended


TIP Profile options that are Not Recommended for use in Sign Up Forms.

Step 3: External Validation

TRAP: These checkboxes to not do anything.
CRAP: future version of CW3 is vaporware


CW3 Wiki Design Settings


CW3 Wiki Site Logo





CW3 WikiSite Colours





CW3 Wiki

Service Categories

CW3 Wiki





Tip clear the default entries


TIP clear the default entries

Community Timebanks

CW3 Wiki

Contact Form Categories

CW3 Wiki


CW3 Wiki Email Settings

It is extremely important to setup your email correctly

Use the instructions provided by CW3 help for this task.

CW3 Wiki Understanding email notifications

CW3 Wiki How to configure CW email

Email Templates

CW3 Wiki How to customize email notification templates

TIP Put some thought into the content of your email templates. It makes a big difference for your members who receive good information.


CW3 Wiki Payments

Is your timebank a Pay-to-Play community?

If so, you’ll benefit from the payment features in CW3.

Payment feature overview

Payment feature configuration

Content of Special Pages

CW3 expects you to provide a certain amount of content as web pages. It calls the web pages that you are required to provide special pages.

TIP Provide good content for the special pages, you can include images and formatting.
GOTCHA If you only use a single sentence as content on a special page, most people will only see a big empty white page.

CW3 allows you to generate web pages. You can create as many pages as you like within CW3. There is no stated limit. This is an excellent feature and really should be explored fully. Good content can build and bond your community together.

Within CW3, under the gear cog icon, look for “Manage, Pages.” The link will reveal the Pages module. CW3 recognises two types of pages: regular pages and special pages. We’ll look at what is special about special pages but before we do that we’ll discuss regular pages.

Regular Pages

The admin and the outreach coordinater are able to create pages. These pages can contain any content. With a little planning, you are able to hyperlink news and pages. This allows you to generate more focussed content and to build on previous content without having to repeat yourself. Interactivity of this kind provides a richer and more rewarding experience for your members.

TIP Use relative URLs to generate links to other pages and news items.

Every page and news item has an ID number, and it is used to create a URL. When you are editing a news item or a page, the ID number will be visible in your web browser location box. For example, in this URL, “” the ID number is 2903. The relative URL is “/page/2093”.

Relative URLS for news items begin with “/news/”
Relative URLs for regular and special pages begin with “/page/”

Special Pages

Special pages are used to describe things, like the mission of the timebank, the code of conduct, membership info, subscription instructions, and so on. These special pages need good content. Without good content your timebank web site will provide a confusing, underwhelming experience.

The worst thing that you can do with these pages is provide a short sentence of plain text.

When the page is displayed that sentence will appear in the top left corner of the page beneath the menu. The rest of the page will be blank and the dominant impression is that the page is empty. People may not even notice the little sentence you provided.

The best thing you can do is to provide well structured content and include images

A Rough outline for Providing Content

Start by giving your special pages a structured outline, for example:

hero image

section one

section two
text and image

section three

Use HTML formatting so that it has visual appeal. Include images to convey ideas. The special pages may not be the most interesting aspect of the web site but they will be viewed frequently. Make them appealing.